We should research the error of fact in criminal law according to intentional action, criminal responsibility and so on and ascertain the form of conductor on intentional action. 对刑法事实认识错误的认识应该根据意图行为、刑事责任等要素来进行,围绕意图行为来确定行为人的罪过形式。
Joint principal offenders 'error of cognition in fact can be divided into the error in the same constitution of a crime and the error in different constitution of a crime. 共同正犯的事实认识错误可以分为同一构成要件内的错误与不同构成要件内的错误。
This part introduces the error of cognition in law and fact of joint principal offenders. 本部分介绍了共同正犯的法律认识错误与共同正犯的事实认识错误的问题。
Moreover, it listed the major factors that can cause the positioning error, based on the process of formula deducing, and proved the fact that the additional secondary phase factor ( ASF) has the most important effect on the orientation accuracy of Loran C. 分析了影响罗兰C系统定位的主要误差,指出电波传播附加二次因子(ASF)是影响罗兰C系统定位精度的主要原因。
The method of slice images disposal is studied. The least-squares method of circle fitting of error vertical hole on slice images is presented based on matter of fact, and the contour fitted is tracked by single pels. 研究了切片图像处理的方法,根据实际情况提出用最小二乘法对切片图像中产生误差的直孔进行圆拟合的方法,并对拟合后的轮廓进行了单像素链的跟踪。
Visible, an error of fact in criminal law, in criminal law is a very important and very complex problems of basic theory. 可见,刑法中的事实错误,是刑法学中一个十分重要又非常复杂的基础理论问题。
Theoretical circles in many countries of Chinese criminal law study on error of fact on the basis of the criminal law also made intelligent perspective. 我国刑法理论界在多国的刑法事实错误研究基础之上也发表了颇有见地的观点。
Based on the FMS of civil aviation aircraft, the author analyses the positioning error of the ground-based system and the influencing fact of positioning error. 本文以民用航空器飞行管理系统为基础,分析了陆基导航系统的定位误差及定位误差的影响因素。
Error of law is generally considered wrong with the fact that the error relative to another form of knowledge, but against error, illegal status negates the wrong reasons in the error theory is still controversial. 法律错误通常被认为是与事实错误相对的另一种认识错误形式,而打击错误、违法阻却事由错误的地位在错误论中仍有争议。
On error of fact, distinguish and handle the definition of Germany, and Japan, and Korea, and Italy and other countries and the former Soviet Union have done expressly provides that the criminal code. 对事实错误的定义、区分和处理德国、日本、韩国、意大利等国及前苏联刑法典都做了明文规定。
Error of fact has been the subject of concern and attention criminal law theory, but wrong about the facts related to issues such as definition, classification, and treatment principles but there is considerable controversy. 事实错误问题一直受到我国刑法理论的关注与重视,但对有关事实错误的相关问题,诸如概念、分类以及处理原则等却存有较大争议。
Error of fact also exists between the different constituent elements of the official meet said and abstract meet said. 不同构成要件间的事实错误亦存在法定符合说和抽象符合说。
Study on error of fact in this article, have extensive background both at home and abroad. 本文所研究的事实错误,国内外均有丰富的研究背景。
Error of fact here include understanding errors and errors. 此处的事实错误包括认识错误与行为错误。
Compared to foreign Criminal Law, our Criminal Code is lack of error of fact. It is necessary to add error of fact, to provide a legal basis for the punishment of excessive imaginary defense. 相比国外刑法,我国刑法并未规定事实错误问题,应增加对事实错误处理的规定,为假想防卫过当的减免处罚提供法律依据。
Theory of error is an error of fact in criminal law areas. 刑法中的事实错误属于错误论的范畴。
Criminal law theory of errors including error two types of errors of fact and law. 刑法错误论包括了事实上的错误和法律上的错误两类。